Women in Business: Tricks of The Weaker Sex

Successful business woman – not at all uncommon. Psychologists believe that success comes not least due to the fact that every woman can easily get used to the appropriate role and has the talent actress. Once I saw one female manager at work. At first she laughed gaily with collaborators, discussing current affairs, and committed it was impossible to determine who is the manager.

Then the phone rang, and she transformed into a helpless creature, crushed by circumstances – in this way she tried to convince the vendors to postpone payment.

Later, I watched as tough and powerful, she scolded negligent manager, and literally ten minutes after this conversation, we saw her completely transformed.

Her hair, changing decorations and unbuttoning a few buttons on her blouse, she was saying “I went to charm client” flew out of the office. And then I realized the secret of the success of women in business. No man is able to for some hours to play several different roles, without receiving the breakdown. Women – a truly great actress, able to transform instantaneously, depending on the circumstances. Change of roles – the key to success!

And indeed: in the business world, originally created for men, women play by its own rules. And by creating these rules, women are using all its advantages.

For example, they have a more subtle social intelligence, they can better feel the nuances of relations – including the attitude.

Therefore, women more easily adjust to the interlocutor and predict its behavior. For the same reasons women are much easier to speak the language of the interlocutor, and this is an important key to understanding.